Knitting - Dyeing - Finishing - Printing - Garment Industry

If you need our sample quality, please follow procedures below:

  1. Please send your own fabric sample to us, so we can analyze it and make a sample quality based on your fabric sample. Note that sample inquiry can be processed only if you give us your fabric sample, and you can send it to:

    -----Marketing Dept.
    -----PT. How Are You Indonesia
    -----Jl. Nanjung No. 206 Cimahi Selatan
    -----Bandung - West Java - Indonesia.
  2. Then fill in this Form.

    Attention: please fill all data completely and correctly, because we will sent your request directly to your address, and a notification email will be given to you. Any uncompleted data will cause your request be rejected and ignored.

--About You
Your Name :
Company Name :
Company Address :
City :
Country :
Telephone :
- (country code - area code - telepon number)
Facsimile : - (optional)
Email :
--Fabric Type
Specify your fabric type :
--Fabric Sample Delivery Confirmation
--We use this part to check your package.
Date of Delivery : - (dd-mm-yyyy) or (day-month-year)
Delivery Service : Post Office
Delivery Reference Number : - (number written on your Delivery Letter)
You can also contact our Marketing Dept. directly by phone to confirm your fabric sample.
Please recheck all data, then click "Submit Form" button below.